Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids) are a common disease experienced. This disease arises when the blood vessels at the bottom of the rectum and anus are swollen due to an increase in pressure at the bottom of the abdominal cavity. To help overcome this, consider the various ways to treat the following hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoid or hemorrhoid disease can be caused by many factors, ranging from the habit of pushing too strong, sitting too long, lifting heavy loads continuously, constipation, pregnancy, to heredity.
Based on the place of appearance, hemorrhoids can be divided into two types, namely:
Internal hemorrhoids
Inner hemorrhoids are usually not visible from the outside, unless you experience protrusion. These types of hemorrhoids generally appear in the rectum and not cause pain. However, it causes you to experience bloody bowel movements.
External hemorrhoids (external)
External hemorrhoids form on the outside of the anus. Usually this type of hemorrhoid feels itchy and bleeding.
Treat hemorrhoid independently
Changing your lifestyle can be one of the most effective ways to treat hemorrhoids. These lifestyle changes include:Consumption of fibrous foods
Eating high fibrous food is one way to treat hemorrhoids. This is because the fiber will make the stool become softer, so you don't need to push too hard when defecating. As mentioned before, pushing too hard can cause and worsen hemorrhoids. Foods that are a source of fiber are whole grains or whole grains, legumes, fruits and dark leafy vegetables.
Increase your body fluid intake
Keeping the body hydrated is another way to treat hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids. Increasing water consumption can help keep stool soft, and reduce the likelihood of constipation. In addition, you should also avoid caffeinated and alcoholic drinks, because it can cause hemorrhoids to get worse.
Maintain anal hygiene
To treat and prevent hemorrhoid, you are recommended to regularly clean the skin around the anus. Use a small damp towel or wet cotton swab, and avoid using cleansing soap that contains fragrance to prevent irritation.
Do not delay bowel movements
Delaying bowel movements can make the stool hard and dry, allowing you to push too hard. Therefore, immediately go to the bathroom if you have felt the urge to defecate.
Exercise regularly
Exercising regularly is not only useful for weight loss, but can also help control blood pressure, and prevent constipation. Therefore, you are encouraged to exercise at least 30 minutes every day.
Natural Remedies for Overcoming Hemorrhoid
In addition to changing your lifestyle, you can also try natural remedies to treat hemorrhoids. Some natural ingredients that can be used to relieve hemorrhoids are:Purple leaf
Purple leaf (Graptophyllum pictum) is believed to be able to treat and prevent hemorrhoids. This is because purple leaves contain anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Not only that, purple leaves are also claimed to have minimal side effects. Nevertheless, further research is still needed to ascertain the level of effectiveness of these natural ingredients in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
Citrus bioflavonoids
Citrus bioflavonoids can also be used as other natural ingredients to treat and prevent hemorrhoids. This is because citrus bioflavonoids have anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent the symptoms of hemorrhoids from getting worse. A study even revealed, the use of bioflavonoids can relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, namely by relieving pain and itching in hemorrhoids, as well as reducing the risk of bleeding. Even so, claims of the benefits of citrus bioflavonoids to treat hemorrhoids still need to be studied further.
Treatment with Medical Procedures
If the hemorrhoids do not heal or even get worse, you are advised to consult a doctor so that treatment can be given according to your condition. Some common hemorrhoid treatment procedures are performed:Hemorrhoidectomy removal operation
This is a surgical procedure to remove excess tissue that causes hemorrhage in the hemorrhoid.
Binding of hemorrhoids (rubber band ligation)
This procedure is done by tying hemorrhoids using one or two small rubber bands in the area around internal hemorrhoids.
Injections for hemorrhoids that reduce hemorrhoids (sclerotherapy)
In this procedure, a special chemical solution will be injected into the hemorrhoid tissue to make it smaller.
Coagulation Procedure
This procedure is done using a laser beam or infrared to remove hemorrhoid tissue.
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